New Network Marketers are often nervous about letting those people who they know (warm market) know about their business. The reason for this is often that they are too attached to the outcome. They have an expectation that this person should/will join them and if this doesn’t happen, they feel rejected.
This is mis-guided thinking, I do know that. In 17 years, I have never lost a friend due to my Network Marketing business. I just do my job, which is to notify people about what I am doing and my new business. If I started an ice cream store, I would tell people and invite them in, right?
With our greeting card business, it is so easy to let people know. You just go online, select or create a custom greeting card to send, and let them know about your business.
If it’s someone you’ve done business with, send out a card that focuses on theĀ business, and let them know you are looking for partners and referrals.
If it’s someone you have not discussed business with, send out a card that is fun, humorous and just to connect.
Follow up a week or so later and make sure they received the card and ask if you can show them how the system works and have them send a card.
How simple is that? Most people won’t turn down sending out a free card to someone they love and care about.
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