Key Secret to Success in Your Online Greeting Card and Gift Business
Do you want to be successful in a business sending out fun cards and gifts? You may have heard it before, but chances are, you aren’t following through with this important, key piece to success in your Greeting Card Business – FOLLOW UP!
I want to share some important statistics with you that might just blow your mind. At very least, it may explain to you why you aren’t having the success YOU want in your business. Because remember, your income depends on your ability to create lasting relationships with your prospects, clients and customers.
Sales Statistics –
48% of sales people never follow up with the prospect
25% of sales people make a second contact and then stopOnly 2% of sales are made on the first contact
3% are made on the second contact
10% of sales are made on the fourth contact
80% of sales are made somewhere between the 5th and 12th contact
Now, looking at these statistics, what does that tell YOU about your own follow up? Most of us in Network Marketing never make that first follow up, and much less the 5th or 12th.
Imagine how many more people you would sponsor if you would stop assuming that the first “no” means no forever. When someone says no, ask if it would be okay for you to keep in touch in case their situation changes. Most people will say yes because they don’t want to tell you no twice. You don’t need to bug or harass them; just keep in touch. Direct Mail marketing is how I have done this for years. And our card business allows you to that easily, in an affordable way, and in a way that keeps you and your business in the mind of your prospect, without being intrusive!
Many of those people have a story like mine that proves that timing is everything. I could not have been less interested in a Network Marketing business when I was first approached. 15 months later, and a new baby, I practically begged my sponsor to sign me up so I could stay home.
You just never know. Keep your pipeline full; be adding 2 people a day, 5 days a week and keep in touch! It’s appreciation marketing at its finest.
Listen to this on MP3
What if I could show you a simple system that would allow you to keep in touch with your clients; remember birthdays and special events with a few simple key strokes, would you want to know more? A 15 minute phone call could increase your business by 10-15% in the first 60 days.
Contact Me Using the Form Below to Learn More.
Hi Jackie,
I am a huge believer in drip marketing. So why don’t I do it more faithfully? Well up until when SOC came into my life, I would not have the time or would lose potential business partners through the cracks of life. Now I have a cool contact manager that allows me to keep my product in the prospects hands. I can develop a campaign card, assign it to a group list and with a click send it to as many as needed very economically.
The cards and gifts are tangible, but the major benefits are intangible emotions that the recepients can experience without purchase of the product.
They can actually sell themselves on our most cool mechanism if we give them repeated exposures.
I just love it and can think of nothing comparable.
Wishing You Plenty To Live,
I’ve done drip marketing both online and offline for years. SendOutCards made it so much easier!
Thanks Tom!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer