You’ve started your Network Marketing business and you are ready to be making that gangster income already, right? So where is it?
This is where understanding the Success Principle of Time is so important. Despite what some may have told you about “how fast you can go” in Network Marketing, most people get off to a slower pace in the beginning. Understanding and allowing for time in your business will go a long way to keeping you in the business and taking action.
Let’s take a look at how your business start and first month may have gone.
How many people did you talk to about your business your first day?
Second day?
How about your first week?
First month?
Your Network Marketing business will grow based on your actions first and foremost, which is what lays the foundation. Now, as you sponsor people in, you need to allow the same type of time for each of them to lay their business foundation. And, so on.
Maybe you started quickly and if so, that is great! You are setting a great example and will inspire others to follow along. And, some will, some won’t. You can I cannot change that.
Understand the concept of “compounding” as your business grows, as well. In network marketing, 1 plus 1 does not always equal 2. It can be 4, 8, 12 or many, many more! This is a great thing!
Give your network marketing business time to grow and prosper! Give yourself time to grow into your business; and give your team that time as well!
Have you watched our Send Out Fun Cards business overview?
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Let’s talk about getting you started Sending Out Cards and building your foundation for success!
Dear Jackie,
Even Rome wasn’t built fast. Consistent effort over time can accomplish great things. The biggest brick building was still built just one brick at a time.
Wishing You Plenty Ton Live,
Thanks Tom, you are so right!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer