Yep, it’s Happy Birthday to ME, and I want to celebrate YOU!
Who do you know who could use a random act of kindness?
Who’s day can you make by sending out a card and just re-connecting?
Is there someone you want to apologize to?
Congratulate for something?
Wish a Happy Anniversary?
Wish a happy birthday (no, I’m not hinting, ha ha!)
Have some fun and send out a card on me to whoever you are thinking of! Just fill in the form below and you’ll get access to the site and sending a card right away! Have some fun!
Dear Jackie,
Ask yourself why greeting cards are such a popular keepsake with folks? I think it is because of the heartfelt words found in them. Now add personal pictures and you have a sure treasure for life!
Happy Birthday to the best card sender I know!
Wishing You Plenty To Live,
Tom Doiron
Cards with someone’s picture on it, personalized so they know it is special to them is something people do hold on to. I am living proof. I had a handful of cards that had been sent to me over the last few years that I kept because my daughter’s picture was on them, speaking with me at a live event!
Powerful to be in such a “feel good” business, isn’t it?
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer