How do you become successful in your Network Marketing Business?
Great question and one that almost everyone has when they are getting started. Here are 5 simple steps that will guarantee your success if you will do them daily and stay committed:
1. Become a product of the product – send out cards daily. Send some for love and appreciation and send some to share this business and change someone’s life. How cool that your low monthly business cost ($31) is part of your marketing budget!
2. Invite others to take a look – hand out a DVD; give out a business card; send a card and DVD, etc. Ask the simple question “Do you know anyone who buys greeting cards or gifts?” It doesn’t matter what they say, but most likely it’s going to be YES! Your next question is “Do you know anyone who would like to get paid a percentage of every card or gift bought by those you know?” Your next step is to get this person in front of the DVD or online presentation. The more you say, the less you make. Let the tools work for you!
3. Present the business. Here is where this business is so simple. Your prospect can view it on your personal website. You can hand or send a DVD. This works as your “meeting on the go!” More “meetings” mean more money! How many “meetings” can you do a week?
4. Follow Up – most people won’t make a decision right away. Make sure your prospects experience our business by sending a card themselves using the online system on your account. Then, you can follow up with a thank you card for checking out the business. If your prospect isn’t ready today, make sure you keep in touch with a card or postcard regularly!
5. Training. Get your new team partner started right by putting them in front of the 72 hour challenge! This consists of having your new person Send Out 3 Cards and 1 gift in the first 72 hours. Have 3 people watch the opportunity presentation. Do this over and over and watch the business soar!
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Jackie, I'm impressed with your squeeze page and would like to run something by you. Please let me know if you are open and what works best for you. Kind Regards, Laureen Andes