19 years ago, when I was seriously looking for a business, I wish this online greeting card and gift company business had been around! I would have jumped on board in a heartbeat!
Why? Well, I had a list of criteria in a business that I did and didn’t want.
Maybe you can relate!
I wanted a true home based business; something that I could do with my children right by my side. I didn’t want to hire babysitters or leave the house at night to go to parties, lugging my stuff and setting up/breaking down. Does this sound familiar to you?
I also wanted something that I could work from anywhere in the world. I wanted a global business!
Here is why I believe we have the perfect business for moms with our online Greeting Card and Gift Business!
How about you? What fits your perfect criteria list?
I would love to hear!
EXPECT Success!
Jackie Ulmer
Can I get a copy of the Success from Home, June 2011 SendOutCards.